As e-books are getting more popular, louder criticism is heard on e-reader hardware and epub 1.0.5 software. The epub software doesn’t allow for animations and movies. E-pub 1.0.5 allows you to create hyperlinks to other web sites with video content however none of the e-readers can play java/flash based movie formats. Actually the only movie format that can be played on e-readers is the mp4 h.264 format.
Colors are imperative for picture books, my little nephew wants to read wally meets Picasso three times a day just because of the colors. Unfortunately all but one e-reader displays colors. The ipad does display colors, and as a small publisher I hope to see some wally books soon on the ibook listings. However it is a bit unclear how and who is getting on the ibook listing. ibook will call me in 4 weeks. That is great.