New Wally Book! Wally meets Mozart

Wally meets Mozart is now available! Wally is back, meeting another great legend, Mozart. Last month Wally met Picasso, now Mozart. Wally meets Mozart is available in hardcover format and digital format. Wally learns about classical music, the violin and more over that music brings people together. Wally books aim in helping children expand their horizon by introducing legends that are forgotten. There is so much to discover out there and Wally books is great way to do just that. Enjoy reading and enjoy the teaser here.

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First Picture Book Published it looks so beautiful

Today I wallypicassocoverpublished my first children’s picture book! The proof looks beautiful,  and the colors come out really well.  I’m surprised of the comments on the quality of the createspace on demand printing. I must say it looks really nice. Well enjoy the preview here or better surprise your friends with a little gift and order here.
